The Boroughs
Spanning over three jurisdictions, the boroughs represent a connected, cohesive project that is made up of a rare blend of residential, educational, professional, and recreational uses, served by a robust transportation system.
A transit-oriented urban villagein the heart of EastonEASTON PLACE
Easton Place, envisioned as Easton’s “downtown,” is designed to provide a work-life balance in a vibrant urban-like setting.
Healthy living through natural open spaceGLENBOROUGH
Glenborough is designed to provide healthy living through recreational activities woven into the restored Alder Creek corridor.
Attractive neighborhoods and commercial districts featuring the bestof small town livingWESTBOROUGH
Westborough is a community with much to offer: great neighborhoods, ample recreational opportunities, convenient highway access, schools, regional shopping, and major office and employment centers.
Diverse neighborhoods sewntogether with a green threadRIO DEL ORO
Rio del Oro is a community of neighborhoods within a fabric of open spaces, consisting of parks, drainage corridors and natural preserves.
A charming community nestledamong oak woodlandsHILLSBOROUGH
Hillsborough is planned as an enclave of mostly single-family homes. Proximity to the Alder Creek open space will make Hillsborough feel like a country-living oasis but with community amenities within reach.